Present Tense Issue 1


Present Tense is a literary magazine of new writing.



Present Tense is a literary magazine of new writing. We publish poetry, flash fiction, short stories, and creative non-fiction with a strong sense of place.

In our fractured times, we want to create a meaningful space for dialogue, to find the common ground, to listen and unearth, to join the dots between writing, reading, and dreaming.

ISSUE 1/ Winter 21

Theme: Wilderness

Editorial ~Farhana Shaikh


Mother in the Mangroves ~ Susmita Bhattacharya

A Grief of Wildness ~ Sarah Bricault

Metro North 2020 ~ Lucía Orellana-Damacela

Birthday ~ Mark Roper

The River of Rivers ~ Jeffery Sugarman

Psalm Sunday ~ Julia Park Tracey

That’s Wild ~ Amelia L. Williams

Flash fiction

Munros by Most Climbed – In Reverse Order of Popularity / Notes Taken on Alternative Routes      ~ JP Seabright

Short stories

Alphabet Soup ~ Matilda Nevin

selfportrait, 2017, Sagaya Rani, oil on linen, 196.2 x 157.5 cm ~ Avrina Prabala-Joslin

Botany ~ Barsa Ray

Non-fictionMemoir & Essays

Wild Views, Tame Human ~ Mary Earnshaw

Killarney ~ Susan Noakes

Nine-Tenths ~ Isaac Yuen

Interview with Nina Mingya Powles

ISSN: 2752-7751

Publication date: 24th November 2021

Format: Paperback

Price: £10